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New European Bauhaus Prizes 2024

Reconnecting with nature

BUNHO - Ancient Ideas Safeguard Ecosystem Services
BUNHO - AISES purpose is to promote the artisanal production of bunho with the aim of revitalising the art in contemporary market standards, including a training component based on the principles of innovation and design thinking methodologies, providing human capital training geared towards entrepreneurship based on the multidisciplinary study of the art and the bunho artisan community in Santarém, which constitute the benchmark for a Sustainable Development model based on Ecosystem Services.
EU Member State, Western Balkans or Ukraine
Portugal- Alentejo
Mainly rural
It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
As a representative of an organisation

In an era of globalisation in which local identity values are an undeniable asset for differentiating territories, BUNHO - AISES has emerged as a vector for safeguarding traditional and natural arts such as working the Bunho (Schoenoplectus lacustris) into sustainable furniture by applying Nature-Based Solutions, combined with innovation, Sustainable Development, preservation of Natural Heritage and the Safeguarding of Ecosystem Services.
The new challenges of local governance require capacity building for effective community participation through the establishment of transdisciplinary strategic partnerships, aimed at safeguarding nature and biodiversity with a focus on the handicraft production of Bunho furniture, with fundamental dynamics around Sustainable Development, creating a sustainable value chain, combined with Social Entrepreneurship and raising awareness of the importance of Natural Resources.
This project has enabled the revival of a disadvantaged community of two unique artisans in the production of handmade furniture, associated with a material and immaterial cultural heritage, serving as the basis for an endogenous re-identification of local communities through a symbiotic relationship between Nature and Mankind, which uses Nature-Based Solutions for the construction of handmade furniture, making it possible to safeguard a traditional art combined with Nature Conservation and preserving Ecosystem Services, specific to the territory of Santarém.
Proof of the recognition and merit BUNHO has achieved and of the municipality's leadership capacity in involving the network of partners and artisans in Bunho at national and European level is embodied in national and European actions, with the following standing out: the 1st National Bunho Meeting and Exhibition in Santarém in 2014, participation in the national sustainability event Greenfest from 2014 to 2016, and the introduction of bunho craft production in the national policy “Saber Fazer” in 2020.
Handcrafted Furniture
Nature-Based Solutions
Social Entrepreneurship
Ecosystem Services
Timeless Design
Bunho, scientific name Schoenoplectus lacustris, is a macrophyte species of the Cyperaceae family that is of significant value in Nature Restoration, considering that it is related to the three categories of Ecosystem Services, according to the Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES), namely Provisioning Services due to the supply of raw materials for sustainable furniture, Regulation and Maintenance Services due to its ability to filter water and accumulate heavy metals and Cultural and Recreational Services due to its association with a traditional manual art of the Santarém Territory.
This project has enabled the revival of a disadvantaged community of two unique artisans in the production of handmade furniture, associated with a material and immaterial cultural heritage, serving as the basis for an endogenous re-identification of local communities through a symbiotic relationship between Nature and Mankind, which uses Nature-Based Solutions for the construction of handmade furniture, making it possible to safeguard a traditional art combined with Nature Conservation and preserving Ecosystem Services, specific to the territory of Santarém.
This project is based on a public policy strategy of mobilising local communities to develop value chains, with dynamics around Sustainable Development, where the essence of the project is the cultural preservation of the endogenous natural wealth existing in the Territory, namely Bunho de Santarém furniture.
The production process for Bunho furniture, which is highly durable and has a low ecological footprint, begins with the harvesting of the vegetable fibre, which takes place annually between June and July, respecting the needs of the Ecosystem, followed by the drying of the fibres and only after these processes can they be worked by the craftsman, whose process is described in detail in the manual of specifications for safeguarding artisanal Bunho production.
The development opportunities of regions are intrinsically linked to the memories and knowledge of their communities and their relationships with Natural Resources and the surrounding Environment, these specificities being timeless assets of a Territory's cultural, social and human identity.
Municipalities must distinguish themselves as distinct and unique players in the creation of innovative public policies, which must create the conditions for the Sustainable Development of their Territories, stimulating the existence of cooperation networks, in which scientific knowledge, "know-how", tradition, innovation, knowledge of emerging needs, the identity of their society and decision-making based on technical information and the will of citizens must be priority axes in the definition of their Strategy for Sustainability.
The project contributes to the revitalisation and safeguarding of an ancient traditional art, more than 100 years old in the Santarém region, which explores and works with Natural Resources in harmony with the Environment, transforming them into an iconic piece of furniture associated with memories of the past, with a unique, simple aesthetic and cultural significance for the Santarém region.
BUNHO – AISES is a distinctive project, as it involves just two artisans who produce unique pieces of Bunho furniture in Santarém. The methodology for safeguarding this Cultural and Natural Heritage of Santarém is based on moments of activation demonstrating this art to attract new artisans, publicising the art to the population, recording the know-how of this manufacture and involving the scientific community, thus creating a timeless network of memories and learning that give new meaning to the Territory.
BUNHO – AISES project aims to position the Municipality of Santarém in terms of intelligence for the governance of natural and endogenous resources, producing an information and knowledge model that supports the decision-making of public policies and social economic actors from an engagement perspective.
Traditional craft production is becoming an increasingly important factor in preserving a territory's identity and material culture, deeply rooted at a social and geographical level, emphasising the relationship with Natural Resources and their use in the construction of functional objects.
BUNHO – AISES is a project to capacitate and involve the small historical community of existing artisans, in order to create vectors for safeguarding the traditional art of making Bunho furniture by rethinking tradition as a challenge for the innovation and competitiveness of the Territories.
With regard to the project's social inclusion, the involvement of various national and regional organisations stands out, such as the Instituto de Arte, Design e Empresa - Universitário, the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, the Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional, I.P., the Associação das Comunidades Autofinanciadas, the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santarém and the Confraria Gastronómica "Os Tanheiros".
Historically, the community of artisans from the secorio location of Santarém who worked with Bunho belonged to a class from the primary sector of the population. They created a Bunho cluster where they worked the vegetable fibre of the Bunho found in rivers and streams, transforming it into pieces of furniture and thus benefiting from the complementary income that this traditional art provided in addition to agricultural work. The Bunho pieces created in the Santarém workshops were exported all over the world via Lisbon's Armazéns das Ilhas.
The Municipality of Santarém is committed to leading innovative projects focused on natural and endogenous resources as competitive and identity factors for a Territory that aims to distinguish itself through good and sustainable governance practices.
The involvement of civil society in the BUNHO – AISES project has made it possible to create dynamics for the valorisation of the traditional art of Bunho in the territory of Santarém and to re-awaken people to the importance of Nature and Biodiversity Conservation as a fundamental pillar for the Sustainable Development of communities, as well as conveying a sense of belonging and co-responsibility for the protection of Santarém's Cultural and Natural Heritage. This project also aims to invest in the training of a new community of Bunho artisans who will promote the recovery of traditional values associated with Natural Resources as a factor in creating value in the region.
Bunho furniture is part of the intergenerational transmission of knowledge, traditional arts and the sustainable use of Natural Resources, in an accessible and low-cost way which, through the application of Nature-Based Solutions, can bring citizens closer to Nature and the value of Ecosystem Services.
BUNHO – AISES made it possible to highlight the importance of reviving the cultural elements, backgrounds and experiences of our ancestors by promoting interdisciplinarity between design methodology and craft techniques, while revitalising Bunho furniture. On the other hand, the project is a positive example of the use of Natural Resources with a reduced ecological footprint, encouraging society to change the paradigm in the consumption of material goods and the protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage.
The Municipality of Santarém aims to mobilise and involve its citizens in the process of public participation, thus bringing together different public and private bodies in the implementation of the project.
The involvement of stakeholders at various levels of governance has led to the creation of the BUNHO – AISES, which aims to safeguard Cultural and Natural Heritage by applying Nature-Based Solutions in the manufacture of Bunho furniture, combining the preservation of traditional knowledge with innovation and the Design Thinking methodology.
Environmental challenges require an integrated response at various levels of action, and the involvement of all stakeholders in society is essential for the success of the transition to Sustainable Development
BUNHO – AISES, with the aim of promoting the qualification of new artisans in Bunho, has structured a network of stakeholders at local, regional and national level, having strategically selected key players in society, namely Bunho artisans, parish councils, cultural associations, universities, employment and vocational training institutes and private social solidarity institutions. The network of stakeholders promoted the Sustainable Development model focused on the tradition of a territory with a demonstrative character in which all the partners are the driving force behind recovering the art and tradition of working the vegetable fiber of Bunho with the purpose of creating a business in the contemporary market in the binomial of Nature and Culture.
The work accomplished by the network of stakeholders has enabled BUNHO to be recognised and validated by the Direção Geral do Património Cultural, entity responsible for managing cultural heritage in mainland Portugal, and included in the Portuguese National Strategy for traditional arts and crafts "Saber Fazer", which will enable the art of working Bunho on furniture to achieve national certification as an icon of the Cultural and Intangible Heritage of Santarém
Environmental issues are recognised as complex, leading to the need to bring disciplines from different fields of knowledge into this field in order to guarantee a holistic vision and provide new solutions to these problems. In this context, transdisciplinarity is an important tool to adopt, as it enables a new approach to the interconnection between mankind and nature, promoting a change in the current paradigm.
The Bunho – AISES project is an example of how the different visions of Culture and Environment can be integrated, demonstrating that there are no absolute truths or dominance of one discipline over the others, but that co-operation between the parties contributes to the recovery of Cultural and Natural Heritage, with a focus on the responsible exploitation of Natural Resources, associated with memories and traditions.
The core of the project is based on different areas of knowledge and public participation to rescue the Cultural and Natural Heritage of Bunho furniture, which will change perceptions of the importance of Nature Conservation and consequently stimulate a new understanding of the importance of natural heritage to Man.
This project encompasses several areas and domains, namely Biology, Ecology, Environmental Engineering, from the perspective of manufacturing furniture in Bunho, associated with the safeguarding of Ecosystem Services and the preservation of native biodiversity, as well as Sociology, Design, Entrepreneurship and Handicrafts, with a view to protecting and safeguarding the Cultural Heritage of a community of artisans with an identity in Santarém.
This project is based on a public strategy for mobilising local communities, capable of boosting the local economy, creating jobs and promoting quality of life through participatory governance that is close to the citizen, based on valuing Natural Resources as a competitive factor for territories. BUNHO – AISES project aims to be a benchmark in efficient resource management and innovation, as well as boosting the know-how of Bunho furniture as contemporary art, committed to the sustainability of Natural Resources at a local level, stimulating the competitiveness of territories and being a driver of environmental, social and economic development.
The desertification of rural areas and the consequent neglect of rivers and streams require the search for innovative solutions that encourage public participation in safeguarding a common resource. The innovative character of this project is to involve society in the process of safeguarding Santarém's Cultural and Natural Heritage by preserving the know-how of making Bunho furniture, as well as developing dynamics that will allow this traditional art to continue by training a new community of Bunho artisans.
The design of BUNHO - AISES project is focused on preserving the memories and manufacturing techniques of the art of working Bunho into furniture, by applying nature-based solutions, and involving multiple key stakeholders from civil society in order to encourage the sharing of experience and expand the art to new formats and artisans/designers by defining a framework for improvements in the artisanal production process based on the fields of Ergonomics and Design.
The project is an example of how municipalities, as local authorities, within the scope of their powers and competences, can foster cooperation and the establishment of synergies between different players in society who mobilise their available resources to safeguard Cultural and Natural Heritage.
As a local authority, the Municipality of Santarém, within the scope of its powers and competences, sought to involve the different players in society in mobilising the available resources, fostering cooperation and establishing synergies with a view to recovering traditional art while protecting the Ecosystem Services of the Bunho plant.
BUNHO – AISES aims to be a benchmark in the efficient management of resources and innovation, as well as boosting the know-how of Bunho furniture as a contemporary art, committed to the sustainability of Natural Resources at local level, stimulating the competitiveness of territories and being a lever for environmental, social and economic development.
The proposed actions are based on a strategy of inclusion and Sustainable Development of the Territory, with the involvement of the artisan community in the revitalisation of a traditional craft of making furniture in Bunho and aims to highlight the value of Ecosystem Services from endogenous resources in favour of the Sustainable Development of the Territory.
The project aims to recover the traditional values associated with natural resources as a factor in creating value in the territory; to rethink tradition as a challenge for innovation and competitiveness in the territories; to promote interdisciplinarity between design methodology and craft techniques in the process of revitalising the handicraft activity of Bunho; to stimulate the development of innovative production and marketing processes for Bunho handicrafts; to introduce innovation factors into handicrafts that integrate design, creativity and market trends; to promote social entrepreneurship intervention strategies, boosting the endogenous capital of the Santarém municipality; to certify the handicraft of Bunho techniques in the Santarém municipality; to produce a register of handicraft techniques and knowledge in the Santarém municipality and to invest in the professional training of a new Bunho artisan community.
BUNHO – AISES Project is a successful example of strategic synergies between local organisations, resulting in visible benefits for the community and enabling the recovery of Cultural and Natural heritage in a win-win relationship. This project is the result of the work carried out by the Municipality in defining strategies and guidelines for the Sustainable Development of the Municipality of Santarém, promoting Ecosystem Services and the economic valorisation of endogenous resources in cooperation with key players to change the paradigm from the inefficient use of Natural Resources to a differentiating element in the competitiveness of territories, making it possible to build a more active, participatory society with greater Environmental Literacy in the defence of Environmental values.
The potential of Public Participation in decision-making processes is recognised and is reflected in its contribution to better decision-making. The project is a benchmark for mobilising the artisan community to participate in public projects, and the model of involving the artisan community in various crafts at risk of disappearing can be replicated, by reclaiming the legacy left by our ancestors, respecting the use of natural resources and balancing national economic interest with the safeguarding of local Ecosystem Services.
The involvement of stakeholders at various levels of governance means that this project model can be disseminated and replicated, not only in similar projects, but also in other projects where it is essential to recover the traditional arts and crafts of Territories using nature-based solutions that are at risk of being lost due to the spread of cultures from different countries brought about by globalisation.
The Biodiversity loss and Ecosystem Services destruction are currently humanity's main challenge, with direct consequences for citizens' daily lives. In this context, it is important to emphasise the role that local authorities can play in the local response and in their ability to contribute to community involvement in order to increase citizens' Environmental Literacy, making them rethink their consumption habits and the vital value that endogenous resources have for people's quality of life.
In an era of globalisation in which local identity values are an undeniable asset for differentiating territories, BUNHO – AISES has emerged as a vector for safeguarding traditional and natural arts, directly associated with the cultural roots of the territory of Santarém, such as working Bunho into sustainable furniture applying Nature-Based Solutions, combined with innovation, Sustainable Development, the preservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage and the Safeguarding of Ecosystem Services.
This project is based on a public policy strategy of mobilising local communities for the sustainable development of value chains, in a social economy vision, through the implementation of nature-based solutions with cultural dynamics and the identity of the population, where the essence of the project is the cultural preservation and endogenous natural wealth existing in the Santarém Territory, as well as the creation of a new community of artisans who perpetuate the know-how of the art of working the Bunho.
Globalisation led to the dissemination of cultures from different countries that overlap with the culture and identity of the Territories. The involvement of stakeholders at various levels of governance means that this project model can be disseminated and replicated, not only in similar projects, but also in other projects where it is essential to recover the traditional arts and crafts of Territories that use nature-based solutions that are at risk of being lost.
BUNHO – AISES project has the potential to bring citizens closer to Nature and Natural Resources, by reviving memories of benefiting from Ecosystem Services and rethinking their relationship with nature from a perspective centered on Sustainable Development, as opposed to a perspective centered on Economic Development at any cost. This project has recovered a traditional art of making furniture in Bunho that is unique to the Santarém Territory, which applies Nature-Based Solutions, making it possible to highlight the value of Ecosystem Services from endogenous resources in favour of the Territory's Sustainable Development.
The involvement of stakeholders at various levels of governance means that this project model can be disseminated and replicated, not only in similar projects, but also in other projects where it is essential to recover the traditional arts and crafts of territories that use Nature-Based Solutions and are at risk of being lost due to the spread of cultures from different countries brought about by globalisation.
The results of the project include the following actions:
- Revitalisation and safeguarding of the traditional art of Bunho furniture making, using Nature-Based Solutions
- Inclusion of Bunho furniture in the Portuguese National Strategy for traditional arts and crafts “Saber Fazer” programme from the Portuguese Government, which aims to safeguard, recognise and promote craft production in Portugal
- Internationalisation of handmade furniture through participation in the "Best of Portugal" event in Brussels
- Marketing of Bunho pieces by design and interior decoration studios/companies
- Increasing scientific knowledge about the use of Bunho (Schoenoplectus lacustris) as a construction or cladding material
- Improved Environmental Literacy on Ecosystem Services through the project presentation sessions
- Changing attitudes and behaviours related to the paradigm of Sustainable Territorial Development and Environmental Preservation