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New European Bauhaus Prizes 2024

Regaining a sense of belonging

t's a new concept by Farm Cultural Park for teenagers.
Physical spaces for young people, safe, welcoming, comfortable, inclusive, where they can find new friends and become part of a creative, open-minded community, interested in personal growth and improving their social context. Real workshops, full of creative stimuli, where it's easy to think, share ideas, and invent personal and collective projects.
EU Member State, Western Balkans or Ukraine
Mazzarino (CL)
Italy- Sicilia
It addresses urban-rural linkages
It refers to a physical transformation of the built environment (hard investment)
As a representative of an organisation

Youth Space for Creative Expression: Plurals provides young people with dedicated spaces and resources to explore and engage in various creative disciplines, including architecture, cinema, music, art, and design. The project encourages teenagers to nurture their creative talents and interests.

Community Building: Plurals aims to create a strong sense of community among young individuals. It offers a platform for them to connect, make new friends, and collaborate on personal and collective projects. This sense of belonging contributes to personal growth and social development.

Cultural and Educational Engagement: The project hosts Plurals Stage, a small theater dedicated to contemporary dance, social theater, and meetings with exceptional individuals, including journalists from various fields. These interactions promote cultural engagement and the development of soft and life skills among young participants.

Magazine Library: Plurals provides access to a Magazine Library with subscriptions to 100 magazines of various genres. This resource encourages young people to broaden their horizons, stay informed, and explore their interests through a wide range of publications.

Collaborative Co-design: Plurals' spaces and activities are co-designed in collaboration with 1,200 students from Mazzarino and Riesi. This ensures that the project reflects the needs and aspirations of the local youth community, making it a truly inclusive and community-driven initiative.

Farm Cultural Park Facility: Plurals is located within the new headquarters of Farm Cultural Park in Mazzarino, with the first floor dedicated to exhibition activities and themes related to youth power. Another floor is dedicated to collaborative laboratory and research activities with universities from around the world, hosted by Farm in Mazzarino.

Youth Empowerment
Creativity and Expression
Community Building
Private-Public Partnership
Collaborative Co-design
Here's how Plurals aligns with these values, particularly focusing on sustainability and how it has met its key sustainability objectives:

Repurposing: Plurals is situated within the Palazzo Tortorici, a historical building owned by the Municipality of Mazzarino. This building had remained closed for 25 years, presenting a significant challenge for the community. Through a pioneering public-private partnership agreement between the Municipality of Mazzarino and Farm Cultural Park, the Palazzo Tortorici was transformed, revived, and given back to the community.
This practice reduces the need for new construction and preserves cultural heritage.

Long-Term Commitment: The 20-year partnership agreement demonstrates a long-term commitment to the sustainable development of Mazzarino. Plurals, as a part of this collaboration, plays a pivotal role in driving the city's growth and fostering a sense of belonging among its residents.

Green Design: The integration of green spaces within the project demonstrates how aesthetics and sustainability can coexist. Plurals prioritizes the well-being of its users by providing an environment rich in plant life, improving air quality and contributing to a sense of belonging to nature.

Energy Efficiency: Plurals places a strong emphasis on energy-efficient design and operation of its facilities. Sustainable building materials and energy-efficient technologies have been incorporated into the project to reduce its environmental footprint.

Local and Inclusive Approach: Plurals prioritizes engagement with local students in co-design, thereby involving the local community in the project's sustainability efforts.

Sustainable Community Development: Plurals serves as a model for how private entities can work alongside local governments to repurpose historical landmarks, promote creative spaces, and revitalize communities while aligning with the New European Bauhaus values.

Here are the key objectives of Plurals in terms of aesthetics:

Design Excellence: Plurals places a strong emphasis on design excellence across its physical (and digital) spaces. The project aims to create visually captivating and immersive environments that engage and inspire visitors.

Cultural Enrichment: Plurals seeks to enrich the cultural experiences of its visitors by providing spaces for artistic expression, exhibitions, performances, and creative engagement. The project aims to foster a sense of cultural belonging and appreciation.

Inclusive Atmosphere: Plurals is designed to be inclusive, welcoming individuals from diverse backgrounds and interests. It prioritizes the creation of spaces where people can connect, collaborate, and feel a sense of belonging.

Global Artistic Collaboration: Plurals serves as an exemplary project by fostering global artistic collaboration through artist residencies. By inviting international artists and creatives to work alongside local teenagers, Plurals creates a unique platform for cultural exchange and artistic co-creation.

Cultural Expression: Plurals goes beyond aesthetics by offering a diverse range of cultural activities and experiences, from contemporary dance and theater to exhibitions and meetings with notable individuals. These activities enhance the quality of the visitor experience by providing opportunities for cultural exploration and engagement.

Inclusivity and Community: By involving local students in co-design and engaging with the broader public, Plurals ensures that the space is welcoming to all, contributing to a positive and enriching experience for people from different backgrounds.

Youth Empowerment: Plurals' engagement with international artists empowers local teenagers to explore their creative potential and build connections beyond their immediate surroundings.

Plurals in Terms of Inclusion:

Accessibility for All: Plurals is deeply committed to ensuring that its spaces and activities are accessible to everyone. The project strives to create an environment where individuals from diverse backgrounds, abilities, and financial situations can fully participate.

Global Reach through Plurals Talents U19: Plurals extends its commitment to accessibility on a global scale through Plurals Talents U19, an annual competition that celebrates young talents from Italy and around the world. In collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this initiative provides awards for Italian and international students aged 13 to 18. Our mission is to bridge the gap between local and global, fostering inclusivity and forging connections among diverse communities. Plurals is more than just a physical place; it's a movement that celebrates the transformative power of creativity, collaboration, and cross-cultural understanding.

Affordability: Plurals offers multiple options to ensure affordability. Visitors in Mazzarino can access the project for free one day a week, ensuring that cost is not a barrier to engagement. Additionally, an annual, cost-effective membership card provides affordable access for frequent visitors.

Inclusive Governing Systems: Plurals places a high priority on inclusive governance by actively involving the local community, including 1,200 students from Mazzarino and Riesi, in co-design processes.

New Societal Models: Plurals actively promotes the development of new societal models by fostering community-building, cross-cultural understanding, and personal growth among young individuals. This approach inspires collaborative and innovative approaches to cultural engagement.

In summary, Plurals is a local project with global aspirations, dedicated to making a positive impact on its community while serving as a shining example of inclusivity and innovation on a global stage.

Plurals' engagement with citizens and civil society extends to economic and cultural dimensions, leading to a remarkable renaissance:

Economic Prosperity: Plurals presence has led to increased tourism in Mazzarino, benefiting local businesses and generating employment opportunities. The project serves as a driver of economic growth, breathing new life into the local economy.

Cultural Revival: Plurals has rekindled the cultural spirit of Mazzarino. Through its various programs and events, it has become a hub for artists, creators, and cultural enthusiasts.

Media Spotlight: The project's inclusive and innovative approach has captured the attention of media outlets, both nationally and internationally. Media coverage has not only increased Plurals' visibility but has also showcased Mazzarino as a vibrant cultural destination. This positive portrayal has elevated the town's image on a global stage.

Diverse Influential Figures: Plurals has attracted influential figures from the arts, culture, politics, and diplomacy to Mazzarino. Their presence and engagement with the project have further elevated its profile and brought a wealth of experiences and perspectives to the community. This exchange of ideas and collaboration contributes to the cultural renaissance of the region.

Sense of Belonging and Pride: Plurals has instilled a growing sense of belonging and pride among the citizens of Mazzarino. They see the project as a symbol of their community's resilience and creativity.

In conclusion, Plurals not only drives economic growth but also acts as a catalyst for a cultural Renaissance in Mazzarino. Its impact extends beyond the physical and economic realms, nurturing a sense of belonging and pride among its citizens and contributing to the town's transformation into a vibrant cultural hub.

At the core of Plurals' mission lies a profound recognition that our most valuable asset transcends monetary or physical realms—it is fundamentally relational in nature. Plurals thrives on the potency of its connections, collaborations, and partnerships, which span a diverse spectrum of stakeholders, both locally and globally.

Plurals has successfully engaged a multitude of stakeholders across different tiers, encompassing local, regional, national, and international spheres, throughout the design and execution of the project. Below, we provide an overview of their roles and the considerable value they bring to our endeavors:

Cultural and Educational Institutions (Italian and International): Plurals fosters productive collaborations with universities, schools, and cultural institutions, offering a platform for an array of activities, workshops, and research projects. This partnership enriches the project's educational and cultural offerings, facilitating innovation and the exchange of knowledge.

Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations: Plurals has cultivated profound relationships with various diplomatic missions, including the American Embassy. These strategic partnerships underscore the project's pivotal role as a cultural diplomacy catalyst, effectively bridging cultures and nurturing international understanding.

A particularly noteworthy initiative, 'American Cities,' beautifully exemplifies this commitment. Through this program, young American sailors engage with Sicilian high school students, sharing captivating stories of their hometowns, culture, traditions, and prominent landmarks.

The overarching objectives of 'American Cities' are multifaceted: to promote an enriched understanding of the United States, its cities, and the English language, while fostering enduring friendships between American sailors and Sicilian students.

Plurals is a project that draws upon a diverse range of disciplines and knowledge fields in its design and implementation. Representatives from these various fields interact collaboratively, bringing their expertise to the table. This interdisciplinary approach enriches the project in several ways:

Architecture and Design: Architects and designers contribute to the physical layout and aesthetics of Plurals' spaces, ensuring they are safe, welcoming, and inclusive.

Education and Pedagogy: Education experts play a crucial role in developing programs and workshops that align with educational goals. Their input ensures that Plurals' offerings are not only creative and innovative but also effective in promoting learning and personal growth among young individuals.

Cultural Studies and Arts: Scholars in cultural studies and artists provide insights into the cultural and artistic aspects of Plurals. They help shape the content and activities that celebrate diversity, cultural heritage, and contemporary artistic expressions.

Language and Communication: Language experts contribute to language learning initiatives and effective communication strategies, ensuring that Plurals can reach a broad audience, including non-native speakers of Italian.

International Relations and Diplomacy: Professionals in international relations and diplomacy facilitate collaborations with diplomatic missions and international cultural organizations.

Youth Development and Psychology: Experts in youth development and psychology guide the creation of programs that promote personal growth, self-confidence, and soft skills among teenagers.

The added value of this interdisciplinary collaboration is the holistic development of Plurals as a multifaceted, inclusive, and innovative platform. It ensures that the project addresses a wide range of needs and aspirations, offering a comprehensive cultural, educational, and social experience.

Youth-Centric Approach: Plurals places teenagers at the center of its design and programming. Unlike mainstream initiatives that often overlook the unique needs and perspectives of young individuals, Plurals is specifically tailored to provide a safe, inclusive, and empowering space for teenagers to explore their creativity, develop essential skills, and engage in meaningful cultural experiences.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Plurals leverages the expertise of professionals from diverse fields, including architecture, education, cultural studies, diplomacy, and sustainability. This interdisciplinary approach goes beyond the mainstream silos, creating a holistic and comprehensive cultural and educational ecosystem that encourages cross-pollination of ideas and innovative solutions to societal challenges.

Cultural Diplomacy: By actively collaborating with diplomatic missions, such as the American Embassy, Plurals fosters international understanding and builds bridges between different cultures, contributing to global peace and cooperation.

Global Reach: Plurals extends its impact beyond local boundaries through initiatives like Plurals Talents U19, a competition that engages young talents not just from Italy but around the world. This global outlook sets it apart from more localized cultural projects, contributing to cross-cultural understanding on an international scale.

Community Engagement: Plurals actively involves the local community, including 1,200 students from Mazzarino and Riesi, in co-design processes. This community-driven approach ensures that Plurals remains deeply rooted in its local context while striving for global relevance.

In summary, Plurals' innovative character lies in its youth-centric, interdisciplinary, and globally connected approach, as well as its commitment to inclusivity, cultural diplomacy, and community engagement.

Plurals stands out as an innovative project in comparison to mainstream actions in several key ways:

Plurals employs a multifaceted methodology and approach that encompasses various key elements:

Youth-Centric Design: Plurals starts with a youth-centric perspective, placing the needs, aspirations, and creative potential of teenagers at the forefront. The project's physical spaces and activities are intentionally designed to resonate with young individuals, creating a welcoming and comfortable environment where they can explore, learn, and connect.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Plurals embraces an interdisciplinary approach by engaging experts and professionals from diverse fields. This collaboration enriches the project's offerings, ensuring a well-rounded cultural and educational experience. Architects, educators, cultural experts, diplomats, and sustainability specialists all contribute their expertise to shape the project.

Inclusivity and Accessibility: The project prioritizes inclusivity and accessibility. Plurals ensures that its physical spaces are safe, welcoming, and accessible to individuals of all backgrounds, abilities, and financial situations. Free access one day a week and affordable annual membership options make engagement possible for everyone.

Global Reach: Plurals extends its global reach through initiatives like Plurals Talents U19, an annual competition that invites young talents from Italy and worldwide to participate. This initiative serves as a platform for cross-cultural exchanges.

Youth Development: Plurals places a strong focus on youth development and psychology. Programs and activities are designed to promote personal growth, self-confidence, and soft skills among teenagers, empowering them to become active and creative members of their communities.

Sustainability: Plurals integrates sustainability principles into its physical spaces and operations, aligning with environmental best practices.

The scalability of Plurals represents one of the main objectives of Farm Cultural Park, and this concept is crucial to understand the innovative scope of the project.

The core of our approach lies in the belief that local experimentation serves as the foundation for practices that can be extended to broader contexts. We view our local projects as testing grounds, where we refine and perfect innovative methodologies and concepts that can later be shared and implemented in different settings.

Plurals is not an isolated entity but rather the natural progression of a growth and development journey that began with other successful projects within the Farm.

In particular, Plurals naturally evolves from two fundamental initiatives of Farm Cultural Park: Sou, the Architecture School for Children, catering to young individuals aged 7 to 12, initially launched in Favara and now present in 23 Italian cities, and Prime Minister, the Political School for young women aged 13 to 18, also initiated in Favara and expanded to 18 Italian cities.

Plurals constitutes a logical progression from these projects, experimenting with the concept of permanent spaces dedicated to teenagers, with the goal of spreading this innovative concept within Italy and beyond. Plurals' ability to provide safe, inclusive, and creative environments for young people is a model that can be adapted and replicated in many other locations, allowing young people from diverse communities to benefit from similar cultural and educational experiences.

This approach of nationwide and international dissemination reflects Farm Cultural Park's vision of creating significant impacts through education, culture, and creativity, demonstrating how an innovative idea can be a starting point for continuous evolution and growth to reach more and more people worldwide.

Here's how Plurals' local solutions align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Goal 4: Quality Education: Plurals contributes to this goal by providing inclusive and accessible educational opportunities for young people. It fosters creativity, critical thinking, and personal growth, aligning with the aim of ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for all.

Goal 5: Gender Equality: By promoting gender equality at the local level, Plurals contributes to the broader global objective of achieving gender parity and empowering women and girls worldwide.

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth: Plurals creates opportunities for young people to develop their creative skills and talents, potentially leading to future careers in various creative industries. By nurturing talent and providing a platform for expression, Plurals contributes to economic growth.

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities: Plurals promotes inclusivity and social cohesion by engaging students from diverse backgrounds.

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities: Plurals enhances the cultural and educational offerings within the community of Mazzarino, contributing to the development of vibrant and sustainable urban spaces.

Goal 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions: Plurals' emphasis on cultural diplomacy and international relations promotes peaceful interactions and understanding between different cultures, aligning with the goal of promoting peace and inclusive societies for sustainable development.

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals: Plurals' collaboration with cultural institutions, universities, diplomatic missions, and other stakeholders exemplifies the importance of partnerships in achieving the SDGs.

By addressing these global goals at the local level, Plurals serves as a model for how community-based projects can contribute to the broader global agenda for sustainable development.

Plurals, despite being operational at full capacity for just three months, has made significant strides in its mission to empower youth, foster inclusivity, and promote cultural exchange. Although we have been actively engaged with the community for nearly a year and a half, the official launch of the project marked the beginning of its direct impact on the lives of young people and the broader community.

In this relatively short period, Plurals has achieved substantial outcomes and impacts, including:

Youth Empowerment and Creative Expression:

In just three months, Plurals has provided a safe, inclusive, and creatively stimulating environment for hundreds of young people aged 13 to 18. Through workshops, activities, and collaborations, teenagers have had the opportunity to develop their artistic and personal skills.

Local Community Engagement:

Plurals has been actively engaged with the local community for over a year and a half, involving 1,200 students from Mazzarino and Riesi in co-design processes. This collaborative approach has strengthened the project's ties to the community and ensured that it reflects the needs and aspirations of local youth.

Educational Enrichment:

Plurals has been collaborating with universities, schools, and cultural institutions, offering educational activities, workshops, and research projects since its inception.

Economic Revitalization:

Plurals has made significant contributions to the revitalization of Mazzarino. Despite its short operational period, it has transformed a previously closed municipal building, Palazzo Tortorici, into a dynamic cultural space. The presence of Plurals has attracted media attention and notable cultural, political, and diplomatic figures, breathing new life into the community.
These remarkable achievements in such a short timeframe demonstrate the passion, dedication, and effectiveness of Plurals in realizing its mission and making a positive impact.