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New European Bauhaus Prizes 2024

Reconnecting with nature

Przylasek Rusiecki is a complex of city water reservoirs in a former bend of the Vistula River, where gravel was extracted in the 1950s and 1960s for the construction of a metallurgical plant. When the aggregate extraction ended, the area was destroyed and neglected - the pits filled with water, the place became wild, undeveloped and dangerous. Preserving the existing greenery, we rebuilt the area to make it an attractive and friendly place for recreation for the residents of Krakow and tourists
EU Member State, Western Balkans or Ukraine
Malopolska Region
Poland- Małopolskie
It addresses urban-rural linkages
It refers to a physical transformation of the built environment (hard investment)
ERDF : European Regional Development Fund
As a representative of an organisation

Przylasek is a leisure and recreation centre on the outskirts of Krakow, in the Nowa Huta district. It is a post-mining area, in a bend of the Vistula River where gravel was extracted in the 1950s and 1960s for the construction of a metallurgical plant. After that the excavation pits were flooded and the area became overgrown with wild vegetation. The site became degraded, neglected and dangerous. One of the resulting 14 reservoirs and its surroundings, with a total area of 26 hectares, became the site for the project entitled “Construction of recreational infrastructure around reservoir No.1”. It resulted in the creation of a recreation-friendly place for various social groups with respect for nature.
The project's objectives:
- external: growth of tourism attractiveness of Krakow in the regional, national dimension and intra-city deglomeration of tourism traffic,
- internal: an increase in city's inhabitants quality of life, especilly the degraded areas surrounding the former metallurgical combine (now ArcelorMittal Poland Krakow Branch).
Target groups:
- domestic and foreign tourists visiting Krakow,
- residents of Krakow and the Krakow metropolitan area,
- residents of the Nowa Huta district - the direct surroundings of the project.
Przylasek's potential:
• the quality of life of the residents of Krakow and Malopolska Region by increasing the number and improving the quality of public spaces, especially in summer, to allow residents to relax by the bathing area
• promoting healthy lifestyles – a place for actively spending time outdoors
• sustainable development - implementation with respect to environmental protection and creating a more pleasant environment for residents and tourists.
• creation of an attractive educational and cultural space based on natural resources
• development of local leisure enterprises
• socio-economic activation of Nowa Huta District which has lower level of socio-economic development and lower quality of life
sports and recreation
respect for nature
social integration
- sustainable use of ecosystems: preservation of the high vegetation and introduction of new planting of trees and shrubs, no artificial fertilisers, rational management of grass cutting, paths material for natural infiltration of rainwater into the greens;
- care for biodiversity: habitat for many plants and animals, including protected species. Thus, non-motorised floating equipment (boats, canoes, pedal boats) has been introduced and lighting has been adjusted so as not to interfere with the natural surroundings. Car access restricted to parking areas;
- healthy living and well-being: a sandy beach with leisure and sport equipment, an open-air tent for catering and, ultimately, an open-air cinema. On the other side of the reservoir there are viewing platforms, fishing spots and benches. Safety: lifeguard towers and equipment (including AED), lifeguard care during the season; water samples testing.
- climate objectives: public transport (seasonal bus line LR02); a train stop will be open in 2024. A cycle route from the city centre and cycle racks. One can relax by the water without having to travel outside the city area;
- dissemination of renewable energy: a charging station for electric vehicles, solar panels (68 photovoltaic panels with a total capacity of 24 kW on the sanitary building);
- energy-saving technologies: lighting adjusting to the time of day and number of tourists and energy management system- 2 heat pumps in the sanitary building;
- sustainable economic growth: a space for the development of micro and small enterprises in the leisure industries;
- education and implementation of biodiversity: new planting, educational boards on the benefits of nature;
- social integration: a meeting place to joint activities - workshops, access for pet owners.
The project can be exemplary in terms of efficient use of a degraded area, protection of ecosystems, minimising negative impacts on environment. It engages local community in nature activities.
Przylasek was a brownfield site, devastated, neglected and dangerous: there was no adequate infrastructure to access reservoirs as well as there were deficiencies in road and parking infrastructure, insufficient provision of municipal water and sewage and social (including catering) infrastructure in the area. At the same time, residents of this part of Krakow reported a need for a place for safe recreation. Krakow with its 800,000 inhabitants has only two outdoor places to relax by the water (Bagry Reservoir and Zakrzowek Reservoir). We decided to face these challenges to offer the residents of Krakow and the surrounding areas a new, attractive recreational area. Przylasek provides an opportunity for active leisure in the open air all year round, the paths allow for walks and bike rides, and elements of small architecture (wooden hammocks, erratic boulders serving as seats, deckchairs and umbrellas), beach volleyball courts, angling and viewing platforms, mooring platforms, recreational piers and walking paths promote relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of the city. If you appreciate peace and quiet, on the opposite side of the reservoir, among the old trees, one can find respite and relax in the shaded areas. There are also fishing spots. During warm periods we are planning to organise communal activities in an open-air tent. For the active ones, this is also a place to organise sporting events: NOWA HUTA IN FOUR TASTES run, HALF MARATON OF THE NOWA HUSTA DISTRICT, walruses, small boats sails, canoes, pedal boats.

Our idea can inspire development of local tourism while preserving the natural values in other such places with unused reservoirs created by human activity. The transferability of the idea is what makes it exemplary. Many similar excavation pits can be found throughout Europe that would benefit from being developed and given back to both nature and the local people to improve their quality of life.

• residents’ participation on reservoir development concept: in 2016 information activities and public consultations were carried out with residents and entrepreneurs as well as there were a survey and a call for projects for the area development plan
• cooperation with the fishing community and naturalists: the fishermen used Przylasek area in its degraded form so their knowledge and opinions resulted in creation of information boards and an educational path
• 6 entities (e.g. the Polish Angling Association Krakow District, the Malopolska Association of Merchants and Entrepreneurs in Krakow) submitted their official project proposals for development
• no barriers in public spaces to prevent exclusion: bridges, ramps, paths, car parks with marked spaces for people with disabilities. The sanitary and changing facilities (toilets, showers, changing rooms) have max. 5% slopes
• initiating and supporting joint community activities: the open-air tent will provide an opportunity to organise festivals, concerts, sports events to attract and integrate the community of the city and the surrounding towns. Education workshops are also planned: clean-up events, tree planting, campaigns on ecology and sustainability. Local entrepreneurs run businesses on the site offering their services and products
• the site and access to all elements of its recreational and social infrastructure is free of charge

Exemplary: different groups involvement in the creation of a leisure and sport area. The concept for the design and development of the 14 reservoirs is the result of a long-term participatory process that was initiated in 2012 through an international urban planning competition. In subsequent stages, a local development plan was created - with the participation of the local community - based on the winning competition entry. In 2016 the Przylasek Rusiecki Water Reservoir Development Plan, which identified the challenges and needs of this city area was erecterected.
Until now, Przylasek Rusiecki was an abandoned and neglected area. There was almost no infrastructure here - occasional foodtruck arrivals were organised. Few anglers were fishing. Cracovians expected the area to be properly prepared and given over to their use. There were fears that the area would end up in private hands and be commercialised in the wrong way. In order to identify the needs of the residents, a public survey was carried out in 2016, resulting in 176 responses from individuals, businesses and civic organisations. These were analysed and a report was produced, which was used to develop a concept for the development of Reservoir 1.

Anglers used the Przylasek Rusiecki area in its degraded form, so obtaining their knowledge and opinions was an important part of the project. This cooperation resulted in the creation of information boards and an educational path on the most valuable natural resources of the site. They copperate with us (that is KNHP) on a daily basis, reporting problems and further ideas.

6 representatives of businesses operating in the Nowa Huta district sent their proposals for developing the Przylasek Rusiecki site during the preparation of the "Przylasek Rusiecki Water Reservoir Development Plan".

As a result of the cooperation and fulfilment of the expectations of the above-mentioned groups, today the bathing area is referred to as Nowa Huta's Croatia, and the area is visited by up to 100,000 people a year.
Our initiative involved the residents of Krakow, representatives of business and social circles. In 2016 at the stage of preparing the concept for the development of Przylasek Rusiecki, surveys and public consultations were carried out on the expectations of the residents of Nowa Huta and entrepreneurs conducting their business in the area. A total of 176 questionnaires were collected regarding the expectations of Krakow residents, representatives of business and social circles, and 70 responses were obtained to the open question: “Present your idea for the development of the surroundings of the group of water reservoirs in Przylasek Rusiecki”. The responses were used to prepare a qualitative analysis for the development plan for the reservoirs. A Facebook fanpage was created, whose posts reached 5336 recipients. Two consultation meetings were organised in August 2016. As a result of these activities, a plan for the development of the water reservoirs was developed: Przylasek Rusiecki as a new tourist offer for Krakow, but preserving the natural landscape values of the site.

We ensured active cooperation with the angling community and naturalists, who were involved at every stage of project preparation and implementation. The Polish Angling Association prepared for us its own idea for the development of the water reservoirs, which mainly involved a proposal to build infrastructure for angling recreation in line with sustainable ecological and environmental principles. The result was not only piers with fishing stands in the quieter part of the reservoir, but also information boards and an educational path, where users can learn about the most valuable natural resources of the place.

We plan to continue the project by implementing another investment task on the remaining 13 reservoirs through the "Design and construction of the Przylasek Rusiecki River Park in Krakow"- an urban recreation area with respect for valuable natural and ecological resources.

•botany: Przylasek is a natural botanical garden with various plant species (e.g. birch, ash, willow, elderberry, cherimoya, dogwood, calamus) and it cares for biodiversity protection and offers educational and recreational activities; educational boards on the fauna, flora and ecosystem for direct and conscious observation of nature;
• zoology: a habitat for animals in their natural environment: grey toad, green toad, water frog, common frog, newt and others; bird species; little bittern, common tern, red-backed shrike, white stork, common crane, great crested grebe, mute swan, tufted duck, common pochard, coot, sandpiper, yellow wagtail and others. There are also beavers and fish: common carp, bream, tench, perch, roach, pike, zander and catfish; a unique opportunity to observe animals in their natural environment;
• spatial management: we took an active part in the preparation of the local law act - the Local Spatial Development Plan for the area "Nowa Huta District of the Future - Przylasek Rusiecki" and the Przylasek Rusiecki Water Reservoir Development Plan. On this basis, we have drawn up a plan for the development of the surroundings of reservoir No. 1, covering the activities, buildings and infrastructure that can be developed there according to the principles of sustainable development and environmental protection. We have planned and carried out the clean-up of the area, the reconstruction of the layout of paths, car parks, pedestrian and cycle routes, built leisure and service facilities and amenities, landscaping and lighting. We have created both communal (water and sewage) and social (including catering) infrastructure. The area encourages the development of local entrepreneurship and small businesses, which will result in job creation and economic growth in our region;
• landscaping: preserving and developing of landscape elements; designing and preparing the public space and minimalising human activity (one reservoir bank for animals mainly)
• innovative technological solutions: charging station for electric vehicles, heat pumps, photovoltaic panels, construction and reconstruction of pathways with surfaces that allow natural infiltration of rainwater into green areas, modular benches with usb chargers, retaining walls for the storage and service buildings and sanitary and locker rooms to withstand the pressure of the terrain and ensure the durability and safety of the structure and the surrounding area, "intelligent" waste bins, intelligent lighting of the area, etc;
• improving the quality of life for residents: Przylasek Rusiecki is a place for the protection and care of green areas and at the same time a place for active leisure (outdoor sports and recreation, a place for water sports), which translates into the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among the inhabitants of the region and to the so-called staycation and the idea of a tourist in his own city;
• equipping the area with high-class rescue equipment (including AED), observation towers for lifeguards, regular testing of water samples, equipping a part of the piers with lighting, which affects the safety of use after dark and provides an attractive visual effect, a CCTV system including internal and external protection - surveillance cameras on selected lighting poles and building facades.
The first stage of the project preparation was the development of conceptual and planning documentation on the basis of a report on public consultations among the residents of Krakow, entrepreneurs, NGOs, in order to learn their expectations regarding the development of the reservoir’s surroundings. As a result of the comments and information gathered, two documents were prepared:
1. Przylasek Rusiecki Water Reservoir Development Plan - developed by Smart Concept Sp. z o.o. in cooperation with KNHP (2016) ;
2. Nowa Huta District of the Future Recreational Area Development Concept. Surrounding Reservoir No. 1 - by a team of architects with the architect, Mariusz Twardowski (2017).

The development of these planning documents allowed the preparation of the scope, schedule and budget for the project entitled “Construction of recreational infrastructure in the surroundings of Reservoir No. 1”. The project of KNHP received funding from the European Funds under Measure 6.3 “Development of the region's internal potentials” Sub-measure 6.3.3 “Recreational and touristic development of the surroundings of water reservoirs” of the Regional Operational Programme Of The Małopolska Region 2014-2020. Project management and implementation was the responsibility of KNHP, and consisted of investment preparation and implementation, project progress tracking, risk management, cost and quality control, as well as ongoing problem solving and decision-making. Through monitoring and control, the progress of the project was systematically tracked. The project was settled on 20 September 2021, commissioned to the public on 8 July 2021. The area is managed by our company KNHP, which entrusted the comprehensive organisation and operation of the recreation area including the swimming baths to a company selected in a public enquiry. This company is responsible for maintaining order, vistor' safety, ensuring full accessibility of the entire area and equipment, qualified staff (lifeguards).
Przylasek Rusiecki was a post-industrial area - an excavation site with wild vegetation. The area was used by a small group of people (like anglers). Our idea can therefore inspire the development of local tourism while preserving the natural values of other such sites with post-industrial pits - water reservoirs.
• To revitalise, develop a brownfield site and give it back to the local people while preserving biodiversity and respecting nature
• Developing the idea of Staycation and promoting the idea of the tourist in one’s city
• Public consultation, surveys with many groups on site preparation
• Use of rainwater infiltration aggregate paths
• Use of lighting for buildings and paths and roads using energy-efficient luminaires and integrated lighting intensity control systems
• Lighting adapted to the time of day, traffic intensity, so as not to inhale the animals living in the former excavation site
• Use of ramps and driveways to allow access also for people with disabilities, families with small children, etc.
• Revitalisation of a degraded brownfield site: the aim was to transform the Przylasek Rusiecki area into a space that is reused for social, economic and recreational purposes while minimising the impact on the environment. As a result, both people and the environment benefited.

• Nature conservation and the preservation of its biodiversity: our activities aim at preserving and protecting the biodiversity of plant and animal species. Maintaining ecological balance is important not only to protect the environment but also to educate the next generation through good example and educational activities such as workshops

• Coexistence between people and nature: harmonious coexistence between people and the surrounding natural environment is to show that respect for the environment should be a natural part of our lives

• Environmental education: in order to raise awareness and understanding of environmental issues and to promote sustainable development, it is necessary to watch closer the nature and to learn about it not only from books or school lessons. We encourage our visitors to understand the essence of the need to care for the environment and to become actively involved in its protection.

• Integration: free access to the Przylasek area for all, removal of barriers in the space;

• Climate change: using Renewable Energy Sources and caring for Przylasek Rusiecki's biodiversity contributes to balancing the ecosystem and reducing global warming.
As a result of the project, the following socio-economic problems were solved:
• Kraków's residents and tourists received new infrastructure for leisure and recreation. The city of Krakow has a globally recognised brand as a tourist destination, but global trends in tourism clearly indicate that nowadys tourists expect not only a cultural offer, but also an active tourism and recreational offer.
• We have relieved the city centre of some of the tourist traffic.
• Development of enterprises operating in the leisure and related industries in the Krakow area - e.g. sports and active leisure industries, which will have positive impact on further economic development of the city and the entire region.
• Social and economic activation of Nowa Huta, which is still a lagging area and requires the introduction of a comprehensive programme to activate this Krakow district. Implementation of the project will contribute to the creation of new jobs in the area in leisure and related industries especially in SME sector.
In terms of biodiversity care problems:
• the degraded area in the context of its development - neglected greenery, landscape chaos, rubbish - has been revitalised with respect for nature;
• the natural and landscape resources of Przylasek Rusiecki (in particular the potential of the water reservoirs) were preserved and shown as well as new planting was introduced;
• the area of Przylasek Rusiecki was divided into a more touristic and recreational part for tourists and the quieter part - to the animals inhabiting the area.

Our project was awarded with two prizes:
1. BEST MUNICIPAL GREEN INITIATIVE by Polish Green Building Council (PLGBC) (2023)
2. A Family Friendly Place with Children by The City of Krakow (2023)
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