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New European Bauhaus Prizes 2024

Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking

CambiaMenti Festival
"CambiaMenti - Think sustainable, live circular" the first Circular Economy festival in Bologna
CambiaMenti, unique event dedicated to information, discussion and experimentation, aims to provide citizens with concrete solutions to address the challenges related to climate change. The interior of DUMBO's White Space will be divided into thematic areas where visitors will be able to get free 360° information on Circular Economy and sustainability issues and how they are being declined by local realities, participating in panel discussions, installations and workshops dedicated to all ages.
EU Member State, Western Balkans or Ukraine
Bologna (BO)
Mainly urban
It refers to other types of transformations (soft investment)
As a representative of an organisation

CambiaMenti festival was a two-day event that took place in Bologna, Italy on October 7-8, 2023. The festival was organized by BackBO, a non-profit organization that promotes the circular economy. The overall aim of the festival was to raise awareness of climate change and sustainability and to show that everyone has the power to make a difference. The festival addressed the growing climate anxiety among citizens, stemming from frequent natural disasters like floods and droughts. It aimed to demonstrate the feasibility of the circular economy in everyday life and connect citizens with local sustainable businesses and organizations. The festival target group was citizens of all ages and backgrounds, with a particular focus on young people and children who are particularly affected by the climate crisis. The festival was designed to be accessible and engaging for everyone for free. The specific objectives of the festival were to:
•Increase awareness of climate change and circular economy
•Show that a sustainable lifestyle is possible for everyone
•Connect citizens with local businesses and organizations working on sustainability
•Provide a space for people to come together and discuss how to address the current climate crisis.
Achieved outcomes:
The festival was successful in attracting over 2,300 visitors, and it generated significant media coverage. The festival featured a variety of activities, including 32 stands of sustainable businesses and organizations, 22 workshops on sustainable living, 55 speakers involved in talks and panel discussions on climate change and circular economy models, and 5 art installations and performances that explored sustainability themes. CambiaMenti is a practical example of NEB category 4 project “Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking”, because the festival showcased initiatives that transformed the industrial ecosystem or processes to contribute to the socio-economic development of Bologna.
Circular economy
Climate change
Education & awareness
Local ecosystem
The key objectives of the CambiaMenti Festival can be represented by the following SDGs :
- Education for Sustainable Development (SDG 4 Quality Education).
- Decent and equitable employment (SDG 8 Good jobs and economic growth).
- Resilient and sustainable innovation (SDG 9 Innovation and infrastructure).
- Social and economic inclusion (SDG 10 Reducing inequality).
- Active and participatory co-design (SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities).
- No use of single-use plastics (SDG 12 Responsible consumption and production).
-Climate, impact and emissions (SDG 13 Fighting climate change).
- Local and national cooperation (SDG 17 Partnership for the Goals).

The festival achieved these objectives through the following activities:

- SDG 4: 22 workshops on sustainable living for children (>200 participants) and adults (>1000 participants), covering topics such as microscopy, sustainable materials science, renewable energy, hydroponic crops, and the circular economy.

- SDG 8: 32 stands of sustainable businesses and organizations, demonstrating that it is possible to achieve economic growth through sustainable business practices.

- SDG 9: A showcase of existing sustainable innovations, including the ènostra energy community, peer-to-peer car sharing (auting - Share your car), alternative mobility (FIAB, CICLOFFICINE, etc.), and short food supply chains and resilient agriculture (Comunità grano alto, Camilla, Arvaia, etc.).

- SDG 10: Two projects that promote diversity and social inclusion: Vecchia Orsa and Piazza Grande, which will provide jobs to minorities and people with disabilities.

- SDG 11, 12, 13: 55 talks and panel discussions on climate change and circular economy models, 22 workshops on these topics, and 5 art installations and performances that explored sustainability theme.

- SDG 12: The festival was plastic-free, and reusable cups were used (no new cups were produced for the festival; they came from a residual stock).
During the festival, guests explored a variety of stands, participated in talks, workshops, and admired art installations, all focused on the topic of Circular Economy. Participants could explore new models of sustainable production and consumption, learned practical skills to reduce waste, and found inspiration through art. The workshops were hands-on sessions where participants learned and practiced Circular Economy skills. For example, they learned to repair and repurpose old objects, created new products from recycled materials, or participated in upcycling sessions, transforming old objects into new treasures. These workshops offered a hands-on experience that helped participants understand the importance of the Circular Economy and find concrete ways to implement it in their daily lives. The art installations featured during the festival served as a creative expression of the Circular Economy. These works of art were made using recycled materials or waste objects and demonstrated how creativity and art could be integrated into the Circular Economy. Installations were works of sculpture, interactive installations, or performances that involved the public, inviting them to explore the role of art in transforming waste into resources. The talks were discussion sessions and conferences held by experts who shared their knowledge and experiences on different facets of the Circular Economy, such as waste management, eco-design, circularity in production, and the potential of renewable energy. Talk participants could ask questions and explore their specific interests. The stands offered a large range of products and services related to the Circular Economy. Participating businesses and organizations showed their innovative solutions to reduce waste, recover and reuse resources, and create sustainable production and consumption models. Visitors discovered products made from recycled materials and learned how to reduce the environmental impact of their purchases.
CambiaMenti Festival was the result of a long process of co-designing that BackBO conducted with companies and organizations of its network and local governments; thanks to sociocracy and dynamic governance, it was possible to realize the first edition of a unique festival in the city, located in a converted industrial space that is currently a hub of Bolognese social life. The 1540-square-meter shed available to the festival was fully accessible by people with mobility disabilities, admission and all activities free for all visitors. CambiaMenti was communicated through both online (social channels, website, radio) and offline channels (posters, presentations at public events), able to reach the city's population of different age groups and generations. Also in terms of inclusiveness, the thematic areas and guests that populated the festival program were selected so that they could well represent the entities of the area that are already engaged in raising city awareness regarding the issues of sustainability and circular economy by offering concrete solutions for everyday life. In addition, in line with the principles of circular economy and sustainability that have guided BackBO since its creation, no single-use plastic products were used for the serving of food and beverages, and water was given free of charge (more than 180 liters).

The main goals of the Festival, in terms of inclusion, were achieved as follows:
1. Visitors of different ages, backgrounds, cultures, and employment were welcomed.

2. The citizens left the festival having experienced a new, more sustainable and inclusive way of living everyday life and events.

3. New connections were created among the invited virtuous realities in order to promote collaboration among all actors in the area.
The festival, with an “edutainment” attitude, brought new sensitive issues to attention: how to deal with eco-anxiety and which is the best way to grow younger generations; how to navigate a society where green washing practices are widespread and, overall, how important is to efficiently communicate sustainability today, in order to encourage and not mortify the individual.
The core of the event was to develop an easy and understandable dialogue with people who responded enthusiastically to serious topics but also to tango lessons, stand up comedy shows, tasting of fermented products and much more.
36 Stands offered free activities for both children and adults, e.g. workshops with a local urban apiculture concerning bees protection and how important is their role to safeguard biodiversity, but also silk screen printing or tetra pack print-making courses, vintage clothes swap corners or repairing workshops to give a second life to obsolete objects.
More than 50 speakers gave concrete insights and tools, sharing both technical knowledge concerning new european legislation and updated reporting principles, but also giving tips to citizens to improve a better sustainable daily routine: they could have notions of ethical finance or new models of energy cooperatives using only renewable sources, as well as exploring new ways of traveling or more ethical banking.

Furthermore, a comprehensive overview of food and fashion brands were presented throughout these two days of talks: talks like “seeds of future” concerned sustainable agricultural practices of local food producers, sustainable fashion brands who encourage buying recycled or loose products.
Citizenry was actively called to start a deep reflection on how to face these times of social and climate changes, as well as rethink a new way of living a different daily routine that can contribute to work for a better planet.
The Festival was co-designed to promote collaboration among all stakeholders in the area, with different levels of engagement, to achieve a common goal: a more circular city. The will of CambiaMenti was to create connections between institutions (Municipality, Region), virtuous entities (foundations, companies, associations, professionals) and citizens through round tables, stands, workshops and performances. The local organizations present at CambiaMenti, already part of the BackBo Hub network, were contacted directly by the team members at a preliminary stage in order to understand motivational drivers and expectations (economic and visibility) to participate in the festival. Subsequently, they were continuously approached to define the festival program activities and logistical details. This constant relationship with our guests was crucial to meet project expectations. The city and regional institutions, in addition to appearing on the panel of speakers (Regional Solidarity Economy Day), helped strengthen the visibility of the Festival in the City by giving patronage (Comune di Bologna, Regione Emilia Romagna). Essential was the collaboration and advice of stakeholders involved in social innovation and participatory processes in Bologna (Fondazione Innovazione Urbana) and the implementation of best practices related to Sustainability and Circular Economy (Bologna Mission Climate, Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development). There was also continued participation from the citizenry, who responded in large numbers to the crowdfunding campaign, to the call for volunteers and artists, and especially the festival invitation, registering more than 2,300 entries. In addition, CambiaMenti was officially publicized by local media partners (radio and magazine) that are widely followed in the city. Lastly, a feedback form was forwarded to all CambiaMenti stakeholders and visitors to collect all useful comments.
The CambiaMenti festival was a multidisciplinary event that reflected a wide range of knowledge fields, including circular economy, sustainability, co-design, fundraising, event planning, logistics, and design thinking.
Representatives of these different fields interacted with each other throughout the design and implementation process to create a festival that was both relevant and impactful. For example, the festival organizers worked with people who knew circular economy to develop activities and workshops that would promote its principles.

The added value of this process was that it allowed the festival organizers to draw on the expertise of a wide range of people to create a festival that was both relevant and impactful. The co-design process also helped to ensure that the festival was inclusive and that it reflected the diversity of perspectives on sustainability.
Here are some specific examples of how representatives of different knowledge fields interacted with each other during the design and implementation of the festival:
The festival organizers worked with people who knew about the circular economy to develop a waste management plan that would minimize the festival's environmental impact. This involved working with renting suppliers and used plastic free solutions.
The festival organizers worked with a group of volunteers to design and organize the activities.
The festival organizers used design thinking to identify and prioritize the festival's fundraising needs.
Overall, the CambiaMenti festival was a successful example of how different knowledge fields can be combined to create a positive impact on society. The festival's multidisciplinary approach allowed it to promote sustainability in a comprehensive way, and it also helped to build bridges between different sectors of the community.
CambiaMenti is the first festival dedicated to circular economy and sustainability in Bologna, designed from the beginning on the daily context of citizens' lives so that they could receive stimuli and practical solutions to lead a lifestyle having less environmental and economic impact while valuing the realities of the territory. CambiaMenti is a unique event dedicated to information, discussion and experimentation to build together an increasingly sustainable Bologna. But it is also a movement, which aims to unite the city community in promoting the circular economy. We wanted to turn the festival into a moment of sharing, learning and growth for everyone (staff, speakers, stands, visitors). The festival is designed to transform a urban area (DUMBO) into a zero-impact microcosm. Through a guided tour divided into thematic areas (food, land, finance, mobility, lifestyle, etc.), visitors experienced firsthand that low-impact living is already possible today. The route of the festival was designed to be highly interactive, allowing different modes of enjoyment; citizens had the opportunity to:
- learn about the stands and purchase products from local companies;
- actively participate in workshops, laboratories and educational events;
- attend talks and round tables where local actors and influencers discussed the challenges and solutions that each person can implement in their own small way;
- interact with installations and attend artistic performances related to the theme of the festival;
- exchange clothes and books for free;
- eat, drink and have fun thanks to a wide selection of food and drinks produced at Km 0 and participatory activities such as tango lessons, cohousing visit and bike ride.
Our project is guided by two core methodologies: Sociocracy and a dynamic governance approach. These principles shape our decision-making processes, governance structure, and collaboration strategies. These methodologies drive our efficient, transparent, and adaptable decision-making processes and governance structure.

Some highlights:

Consent Decision-Making: In our project, we prioritize consent-based decision-making. Rather than seeking unanimous consensus, we aim for decisions that nobody actively opposes. This approach streamlines decision-making and ensures all perspectives are considered.

Circles and Roles: We organize the project into circles, semi-autonomous teams dedicated to specific functions. Each circle defines roles and responsibilities, making decisions within its domain. This decentralized structure promotes accountability, ownership, and agile decision-making.

Double-Linking: Circles are interconnected through double-linking. Members of one circle also belong to the higher-level circle overseeing it, facilitating communication, alignment, and information exchange between project segments.

Distributed Authority: Our project operates with distributed authority based on role definitions. This decentralization empowers team members to make decisions within their roles, promoting autonomy and expediting decision-making.

Governance Meetings: Regular governance meetings address issues, clarify roles, and make decisions on the project's structure and processes. These meetings foster adaptability and provide a platform to resolve governance matters.

Role Definitions: Each project member has defined roles and responsibilities, ensuring clarity in decision-making and accountability while reducing ambiguity.

Rapid Iteration: Our approach encourages rapid iteration and continuous improvement, allowing us to respond swiftly to challenges, embrace opportunities, and adapt to evolving circumstances with agility.
CambiaMenti is a high replicable project that can be adapted to different contexts and target audiences. The following elements of the festival could be replicated or transferred to other places, groups of beneficiaries, and contexts:
-Methodology: the CambiaMenti festival was designed using a participatory approach, with input from a variety of stakeholders. This co-design process can be replicated in other contexts to ensure that the festival is relevant to the needs of the community and that it reflects the diversity of perspectives on sustainability.
-Technology: CambiaMenti festival used a variety of technologies, such as a website, crowdfunding platform, and social media, to promote the festival and to connect with participants. These technologies can be used to replicate the festival in other contexts.
-Processes: the festival had a well-defined process for planning, implementing, and evaluating the festival. This process can be documented and shared with others who are interested in replicating the festival in their own communities.
-Products: the CambiaMenti festival produced a variety of materials, such as a website, social media content, and educational resources. These materials can be translated and adapted for use in other contexts.
-Learnings: the CambiaMenti festival organizers learned several valuable lessons from the planning and implementation of the festival. These lessons can be shared with others who are interested in replicating the festival in their own communities.

Here are some specific examples of how the CambiaMenti festival could be replicated or transferred to other places, groups of beneficiaries, and contexts:
-The festival could be replicated in another country/city by working with local partners to adapt the festival to the local context.
-The festival could be adapted for a different target audience.
-The festival's methodology could be transferred to another event, such as a conference, workshop, or community fest.
In the recent years, people have become more climate conscious and are concerned about the future of the planet and increasingly frequent extreme weather events. At the local and regional level, frequent phenomena such as air pollution or the more recent phenomena of floods in Italy, alternating with periods of extreme drought have led citizens, especially the younger ones, toward what is called "Ecoanxiety," or a feeling of concern mixed with helplessness toward phenomena perceived as too great to deal with. Bologna is on the Italian scene a particularly virtuous and issue-conscious city to the extent that on September 30, 2019, the city council approved the declaration of climate and ecological emergency, recognizing the urgency of the fight against climate change. Thus committing the city to a transition toward zeroing its climate impact. And today the city stands as the lead partner in the European project dedicated to achieving climate neutrality by 2030 (Bologna Climate Mission). We want to bring out through our festival that every citizen already has in his or her hands the tools to make a difference on the ground and in this transition is helped by local actors: the Region, the Municipality, and a dense network of virtuous realities (companies/third sector entities/cooperatives/etc.).
CambiaMenti is designed to have a significant impact in eight areas, corresponding to as many SDGs:
- Education for Sustainable Development (SDG 4 Quality Education).
- Decent and equitable employment (SDG 8 Good jobs and economic growth).
- Resilient and sustainable innovation (SDG 9 Innovation and infrastructure).
- Social and economic inclusion (SDG 10 Reducing inequality).
- Active and participatory co-design (SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities).
- Upcycling single-use plastics (SDG 12 Responsible consumption and production).
- Climate, impact and emissions (SDG 13 Fighting climate change).
- Local and national cooperation (SDG 17 Partnership for the Goals).
Cambiamenti festivale consisted in 200 sqm dedicated to 36 stands, 52 talks, 22 workshops and 5 live performances among two areas.
The festival welcomed 2300 visitors, 67% of which were locals, from Bologna city (averagely 50% between 30 and 50).
Out of 269 people giving their feedback, half of them were fully satisfied with the event.
Furthermore, averagely 60% declared to know less than 5 brands or realities before joining the festival.
Moreover, concerning the 28 realities that adhered and rated the initiative, 35,7% considered the event very useful and an excellent opportunity for business and social networking.
We respected Minimal Environmental Criteria (CAM) to guarantee the achievement of sustainability standards and the low impact of the event. The CAM are the environmental requirements defined by the Italian ministry of the Environment for the purchase of products or services by the public administration. The main environmental objectives pursued by CAM are to make a positive contribution to combating climate change by reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions, by promoting the use of energy from renewable sources and preventing the production of waste through the use of reusable goods, the reduction of all packaging, the implementation of measures that combat food waste.
The total waste generated during the festival was 78 kg, which respectively consisted of 30 kg of glass, 14 kg of paper, 13 kg of organic waste, 8 kg of plastic and 13 kg of unsorted waste.
In addition to that 180 litres of tap water were dispensed for free to visitors during the 2-days festival.
During the CambiaMenti festival 85 kg of clothes were collected from visitors and staff, to be destined to the second-hand clothes market by "Humana People to People Italia".
  • CambiaMenti Festival_Programma 2023_0.pdf
    (8,21 MB - pdf)
  • Presentation CambiaMenti Festival.pdf
    (8,25 MB - pdf)