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New European Bauhaus Prizes 2024

Prioritising the places and people that need it the most

Els Rajolars d'Oliva
An urban regeneration plan of a former industrial area in Oliva, Spain.
The urban plan of Els Rajolars in Oliva aims to regenerate an industrial area with a rich historical identity prioritizing: socio-economic revitalization, heritage conservation and environmental adaptation. To this goal, an integrated action is proposed through three strategic lines of work, covering: the functional environment, the built environment and the natural environment of Els Rajolars. Each of them pursues specific objectives for which a series of intervention projects are presented.
EU Member State, Western Balkans or Ukraine
Oliva municipality
Mainly urban
It refers to a physical transformation of the built environment (hard investment)
Early concept
As a representative of an organisation

The area of Els Rajolars is characterised as an industrial complex with an important ceramic production in the 1970s. As a legacy of this past, the almost 17 hectares mostly abandoned area conserves a strong identity with the presence of chimneys, kilns, singular buildings, and large drying areas.

The commitment of the project is to determine the urban renewal strategy to achieve the development of "Els Rajolars d'Oliva" in response to the municipal initiative of the Oliva Town Council. It is focused mainly on urban area protection from environmental risks, heritage buildings conservation and new productive programme insertion.

The project is organised in three lines of work that represent its main objectives:

1. Els Rajolars: Integrated and Resilient
Urban planning for new urban development must consider the adaptation of the site to its natural environment, where ecosystem integration and resilience to natural factors are key.

2. Els Rajolars: Structured and Recognisable
The urban renewal of Els Rajolars must guarantee an optimum urban density with typological variety and a mix of uses, a system of green areas and open spaces links to sustainable urban mobility and it must integrate industrial components of heritage interest.

3. Els Rajolars: Productive and Social
The productive programme to be inserted in the area must function as an "urban catalyst" capable of attracting activity and population to Els Rajolars in order to facilitate local economic recovery and improve urban quality.

The urban renewal project of Els Rajolars de Oliva is presented in the category of "Priority to the places and people who need it most" as rapid action in the area is essential for the conservation of Oliva's industrial landscape. Time is the main enemy of this enclave, which is reflected in: the risk of abandonment due to the vacancy of its territory and the imminent climate change that threatens to sweep away the heritage buildings that are still standing.
Sustainable urban renovation
Ecological integration and natural risk resilience
Industrial heritage protection and conservation
Mixed use productive area
Inclusive and life quality residential area
Els Rajolars is situated in a privileged location between wooded mountains and orchards, on a river basin crossed by a ravine. Its proximity to these natural elements also makes it more vulnerable to risks, such as floods caused by river flooding during the DANA season or desertification and the spread of forest fires caused by drought, which are becoming increasingly common and are worsening with the imminent Climate Change

The project addresses the issue of sustainability in its strategic line of action “Els Rajolars: Integrated and Resilient “. This line supports proposals related to the natural environment and it is focused on two main objectives:

On the one hand, to ensure the integration of the Els Rajolars area into its natural surroundings. The project area is surrounded by natural areas of high environmental and ecological value but disconnected from each other by dispersed urban growth. This connection is desirable in order to guarantee ecosystemic continuity, preserve habitats and conserve Oliva's biodiversity. The aim is therefore to design the public space of the new urban development as part of the local Green Infrastructure of Oliva.

On the other hand, the aim is to make the area resilient to the different natural risks to which it is affected to the seasonal course of the ravine. In this context, the aim is to integrate this risk into the design by establishing a protected area free of construction around the ravine. It is also proposed to implement a sustainable urban drainage system that mitigates surface runoff while retaining and harnessing water for other uses. The risk of fire, increased by the drought, must also be considered, especially where the vulnerability of the forest mass increases the risk of fire propagation.

The project proposes an urban design that takes in account the natural environment in which it is located, both to take advantage of its natural resources and to ensure its safety in the face of environmental risks.
Els Rajolars has many elements with potential historical and cultural value but, to date, only the brick chimneys are protected. It is not enough to guarantee the correct preservation of all the historical and cultural values present in the area, the complexity of which must be approached from the understanding of the industrial settlement as a whole and its relationship with its physical, natural, and urban environment.

The project addresses the issue of aesthetics and quality of experience for people in its strategic line of action “Els Rajolars: Structured and Recognisable”. This line supports proposals related to the built environment. This strategy is based on two objectives:

On the one hand, to structure the area of the sphere through a new clear and legible urban morphology, defining an appropriate composition of buildings, roads and public spaces that will endow the neighbourhood with the necessary spatial quality. This new morphology but must also resolve several of the needs raised, such as functional integration with the immediate surroundings through secondary roads that allow direct and intuitive circulation, social interaction between neighbours through the creation of pleasant places for meeting and recreation, and the necessary improvement of the aesthetic and environmental quality of the area to encourage the attraction of population.

On the other hand, the cultural identity of the area should be enhanced through the conservation, rehabilitation and integration into the urban morphology of the historic pre-existence. To this purpose, heritage protection measures will be proposed to guarantee the conservation of these constructions. Also, urban and architectural design criteria will be established for new constructions to vindicate the industrial landscape.

The project aims to preserve the cultural identity of the place through the conservation of its industrial landscape and gathering testimonies of the collective memory of the place.
Els Rajolars is an area with a privileged location within the territory of Oliva with great potential, due to its proximity to the town centre, to promote functional diversity and mitigate the urban vulnerability of the adjacent areas while at the same time resolving the border between the city and the immediate natural area.

The project addresses the issue of inclusion in its strategic line of action “Els Rajolars: Productive and Social".This line supports proposals related to the functional environment: economic activity and social cohesion. It is focused on two main objectives:

On the one hand, to ensure the presence of uses associated with economic activity, avoiding the creation of a mono-functional residential area, and taking advantage of the place potential to become a new economic asset for the municipality. A multi-functional area is designed by including economic activity in the residential area, based on the idea of recover the old relationship between productive and reproductive spaces focused on: the conciliation of work, the reduction of dependence on transport and quality of life. This practice also promotes greater efficiency of land use, facilitates the attraction of new population, private investment, and the generation of local employment.

On the other hand, the new uses that are implemented should contribute to solving the neighbourhood social needs to fight against its urban vulnerability and need for regeneration that are recognized by the community. The main idea is to promote social cohesion and equity through adequate public facilities and spaces that improve environmental quality and encourage interaction. An improvement on public care services, in anticipation of a growing ageing population, is also required.

The project proposal will consist of qualifying the residential use of the area according to its opportunities and defining the most suitable compatible uses (facilities, commerce, offices, leisure).
Three activities were proposed to the citizens of Oliva, both neighbours and members of the town council and municipal technicians, to share the results of the analysis and present the project proposal.

Activity 1: Participatory workshop

This consists of creating a meeting place for citizens who want to participate voluntarily in the process of developing the project. In this meeting, the conclusions of the analysis will be validated by sharing the issues that most concern the inhabitants of Oliva. In the same way, the proposals for action presented will be completed and qualified with the information provided by the citizens' opinion.
The residents of Oliva have been very participative in suggesting ideas and their involvement has greatly enriched the proposal.

Activity 2: Digital survey

This platform makes it possible to collect the opinion of a significant sample of the population of Oliva through very specific questions about their city and related to the content of the project. The questionnaire allows us to check whether the needs and concerns of Oliva's neighbours are in line with the objectives of the project, while gathering additional information about the perception of Els Rajolars. Participation in the survey was higher than expected and allowed us to gain an in-depth and global vision of the context of Els Rajolars.

Activity 3: Sectoral meetings

These are a series of critical meetings that bring together municipal managers and technicians from the various disciplines covered by the project: tourism, mobility, housing, heritage, environment... In these meetings, organised by theme, the project proposals are presented to the government team for approval. The political positioning that precedes the decisions taken in Els Rajolars is fundamental for the future development of this urban area. Their support for the ideas presented and their interest in seeing the project come to fruition have made the work much easier.
The initiative for this project arose in 2019 when the Oliva Town Council and the Second Vice-presidency and Regional Ministry of Housing and Bioclimatic Architecture of the Generalitat Valenciana presented the area of "Els Rajolars d'Oliva" as a site for the EUROPAN 15: "Productive Cities" ideas competition.

EUROPAN is a European federation of national structures that organise competitions for architects under 40 years of age, for urban architectural projects followed by realisations or studies, launched simultaneously by several countries that share a theme, rules and objectives. This year's edition sought to highlight the issue of ecological transition in the project for the productive city of the future. Within these guidelines, the European jury of architects saw in this site a unique opportunity to transform a disused industrial area into a new, vibrant district capable of revitalising production and the local economy.

The competition was decided in favour of the 'Productive Memories' proposal. The characteristics of the action lead the Oliva Town Council to propose, in the post-competition phase, the professional commissioning of the design of an urban project for this area. In this way it is established that the commitment of the project is to draw up the strategy to be followed to achieve the viability of the urban development of the area of Els Rajolars d'Oliva, in response to the municipal initiative set out in its document "Els Rajolars d'Oliva: Resilient Regeneration".

The Europan Commission has taken a keen interest in the development of the work and has accompanied us throughout the project. Thanks to its network of contacts, we were able to share experiences with other architectural studios that had carried out similar commissions in other editions of the competition. In the same way, the Europan network makes it possible to contact local organisations, exchange practices and encourage territorial cooperation between them.
The project arises from the need to incorporate in a single document the reality of the municipality and the different conditions that are manifested in the area of study and which must be considered together to plan its future development.

Precisely because of the complexity of the urban exercise it faces, the project has required joint work, advice and coordination with experts from different professional disciplines.

For example, in the field of mobility, the team met with the company in charge of drafting the urban sustainable mobility plan for the municipality. In this way, we were able to propose solutions aligned with the planned mobility network as a whole, incorporate part of their proposals into our area and share specific solutions such as diverting road traffic away from Els Rajolars. Also, in the area of heritage protection, the team met with the company in charge of drafting a heritage report on one of the warehouses in the industrial complex, "La Salvaora". Their work served as a starting point for us to draw up a joint protection proposal for all the heritage buildings following the same criteria.

Fields of study such as heritage, ecology, water management, education, sustainability or mobility are reflected in the design of the project and are specified in the different proposals. These have been contrasted at all times with the representatives of the city council responsible for each of the public disciplines involved (heritage, agriculture, environment, urban planning, etc.).

The architecture and urban planning project presented here has therefore required the partial knowledge of all the aforementioned disciplines in order to materialise and resolve the planned objectives as a whole.
The innovative nature of the proposal lies in its integrated approach. The environmental, functional and physical aspects of the Els Rajolars area have been considered together, both in the analysis process and in the drafting of the proposal.

The area has a number of issues that have been identified in the analysis of existing documents from different disciplines and that have never been addressed together before. Bringing all these needs together in a single document that defines the way forward has been a task that has been greatly appreciated by the local authorities, who have been unable to intervene in the area due to the number of problems that exist in Els Rajolars (risk of flooding, buildings of heritage value, demand for public facilities, inefficient urban structure, etc.).

By tackling the reality of the area in all its dimensions, we were able to solve complex challenges that could not be solved from a single point of view, and to promote synergies between the proposals in order to achieve a better result.

The alternative to this type of urban redevelopment project is to succumb to the deterioration and abandonment of these places, resulting in the total or partial demolition of everything that was there before and is no longer useful, in order to build a new urban complex out of nothing.

The legacy of the new generations must be to rehabilitate these types of urban contexts, to give them a second life and also to rethink the way in which these spaces are integrated into their environmental context.
The project follows a methodology based on the analysis, evaluation and diagnosis of the current situation of Els Rajolars, in order to define the general guidelines and specific proposals for action that will provide an adequate response to the challenges identified and achieve the objectives pursued by the municipal initiative.

The initial challenges of the "Els Rajolars: Resilient Regeneration" are taken as a starting point to focus the thematic blocks of the analysis of the current state: Functional Environment (Economy, Facilities, Housing and Mobility), Built Environment (Architecture and Urban Landscape) and Physical-Natural Environment (Green Infrastructure and Hydrological Network).

For each theme, the state of the question is analysed on the basis of the existing documentation and a series of conclusions are drawn about the current situation of Els Rajolars. These conclusions will be summarised in a SWOT matrix for each of the content blocks, from which a series of initial guidelines for action will be derived.

The conclusions drawn from the analysis of the current situation and the initial guidelines proposed will be shared with the actors involved: the citizens and the government team. A process of debate and civic participation will be launched to gather the needs and proposals of the inhabitants of Oliva and to validate the content of the analysis. After the exchange of ideas, the initial conclusions and guidelines will be redrafted.

The resulting conclusions respond to the general objectives of each of the content blocks, which in turn can be grouped into three strategic axes or lines.

The participatory guidelines are developed and specified in a series of intervention projects within each strategic line. These projects define the actions to be carried out within Els Rajolars in order to achieve the objectives set out in the project.
In terms of the functional context, the project proposes a new housing model. The proposed housing model is sheltered housing, which also seeks to address one of Oliva's realities: the ageing of the population. This proposal is applicable to any newly built area in order to attract activity. A typology is proposed for new residential areas that will qualify the offer and make it stand out in the surrounding area. Innovative housing that combines private housing with an important provision of shared services; relational, productive or social spaces where users share common areas with the rest of the residents. In this way, possible leisure, work or service needs are met, improving the quality of life of users by offering more services close to home.

With regard to the urban context, the project proposes the protection of existing industrial buildings of heritage value. This proposal applies to abandoned industrial complexes that local authorities have an interest in preserving. To this end, it is proposed to include in the Municipal Catalogue of Protected Assets and Spaces all the elements that contain historical and cultural qualities, from the buildings that bear witness to the human activity that took place to the landscape elements that represent the territory in which this settlement is located. This proposal defines the degree of protection that these elements should have, on the basis of criteria derived from their analysis.

With regard to the environmental context, the project proposes the incorporation of a sustainable urban drainage system. This proposal is applicable to all urban areas which, with climate change on the horizon, will have to face increasingly radical periods of rainfall. These systems aim to restore the natural water cycle, promoting infiltration into the ground and preventing surface runoff that causes flooding. The choice of system must be adapted to the physical and climatic conditions of the area.
In terms of the functional context, the emigration of the young population in search of job opportunities that the small municipalities cannot currently offer is causing a strong demographic ageing in small towns such as Oliva. The project includes in its proposals the creation of a training centre, whose offer is adapted to the needs of the economic sector of Oliva, in order to increase employment opportunities in the municipality. It also proposes affordable housing to enable young people to become independent.

In the urban context, the rational use of land is one of the main challenges facing cities today. Moving away from outdated productive urban models means reinventing cities and promoting new urban developments to meet new needs. But uncontrolled urban growth, with excessive land use and infrastructure multiplying every year, is not a sustainable model for the long term. Therefore, the recovery of degraded urban areas must take priority over any new urban development. Els Rajolars seeks to recover degraded urban areas that contribute to the natural growth of the city, while improving soil permeability and ecosystem continuity.

In terms of the environmental context, it is necessary to adapt cities to climate change, as its effects will worsen over the years. Extreme droughts and floods are expected to increase, contributing to a decline in soil productivity and water quality in aquifers. There will also be an increase in fires due to high temperatures and the desertification of the mountains due to lack of vegetation cover, threatening both the urban environment of Oliva and its biodiversity. The project incorporates environmental considerations into the new urban design, such as the implementation of shunts and the creation of green areas without buildings.
The proposal is articulated around the three strategic axes and is defined by a set of 13 intervention projects in the Els Rajolars area. Each of the strategic axes of the proposal includes a series of essential tasks to achieve each of the objectives.

On the functional side, the tasks are related to enabling the implementation of the strategic uses and it will be necessary to contribute to the institutional promotion of the new urban development, as well as the attraction of the population with the inclusion of Els Rajolars in the strategic tourism plan.
The related projects are: High-performance training centre, productive and assisted housing, nature and cultural tourism node, local facilities and relocation of motorised traffic.

In terms of heritage, the industrial complexes that make up the urban landscape of Els Rajolars should be protected as soon as possible by including them in the catalogue of protected buildings and in the General Heritage Inventory. In addition, their past should be recorded in a historical archive and disseminated through a museum exhibition in Els Rajolars.
The related projects are: divulgative archive, catalogue of heritage elements, architectural design criteria and urban design criteria.

From an environmental point of view, it is necessary to proceed with the normative regulation within the framework of the new management of natural risks, with the demarcation of the Riuet dels frares ravine and the inclusion of the new urban-wildland interface of the Algar in the local plan for the prevention of forest fires.
The related projects are: green areas network and ecological connectors, firebreak strip, sustainable urban drainage and revine renaturalisation.

A clear action plan is needed to facilitate the integrante implementation of the projects. For this reason, a chronogram of actions has been drawn up, which sets out the main tasks to be carried out by the town council and organises them over time.
  • 2001OLV_NEB_ Citizens Participation.pdf
    (16,85 MB - pdf)